Committing to a Healthier Lifestyle Before Your Body Procedure
Procedures like the thigh lift, arm lift, and tummy tuck are the ideal options for people who are seeking to restore the appearance of their body after losing large amounts of weight. Before choosing to receive one of these procedures, it is important that you commit to living a healthier life.
If you do not commit to a healthier lifestyle, the results of your arm lift, thigh lift, or tummy tuck will be put in jeopardy. Fat can once again accumulate in these areas, and the skin can become stretched and saggy once again. Taking the time to exercise regularly and making healthy diet choices can make all the difference.
If you are committed to making the lifestyle changes that will help you maintain the results of your arm lift, thigh lift, or tummy tuck, contact our office to schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Louis Strock.